Cook and live Italian

22 September 2016

Bompani arrives at Cer-Sail

Bompani is one of the more than 40 companies participating in Cer-Sail, the collective b2b exhibition that is part of Cersaie and that will be inspired by classic seaports. 1,500 sq. m. to illustrate what a seaport should be like: a lively place, a crossing point but also a congregational area, of trading and cultural exchange. Bompani contributes with its kitchens, refrigerators and hoods - all strictly made in Italy - that furnish the various environments showing what it means to "cook and live Italian". Download here the brochure created specifically for the event: you will find style suggestions and luxury environments featuring our products.
The event is scheduled to be held from 26 to 30 September at Bologna Fiere.

To register and receive a free entry ticket for Cersaie, click this link.

To download the new Brochure Bompani Cersaie 2016 CLICK HERE

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  • 30 January 2018

    Nice and Perfect

    These are our kitchens. Remarkable design and high performance.